It’s another beautiful day! Hope you all had an
awesome, at least somewhat healthy weekend. Just in case you didn’t
(and even if you did it definitely won’t hurt) here are 10 power foods
that you can add to your meal plan this week!
Go ahead add these power foods to your meal plan this week!
I promise you’ll love it!
Courtesy: Taje of
- Olive Oil – a healthier oil, it lowers blood cholesterol and its antioxidants can help protect against some cancers.
- Apples – this fruit contains quercetin, a compound that can protect brain cells from tissue damaging and its also a great source of fibre which can aid weight loss.
- Avocados – delicious and a good source of potassium, avocados can help prevent high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.
- Bananas – although high in calories (so only eat a few a week) they are still a fruit so will burn as such, also they help protect from asthma symptoms and are said to help boot moods and help fight depression.
- Beans – a good source of fibre and protein as well as vitamin B, zinc, iron and magnesium and are a great carb replacement or side.
- Salmon – major source for omega 3 fatty acids, the body cant produce these healthy fats so its good to add them when you can.
- Cabbage & Broccoli – packed with glucosinolates, they are chemicals that help you body’s defences against cancer causing cells.
- OATS – I love oats! Packed with soluble fibre, it keeps you full for longer and it helps burn belly fat!
- Papaya/Paw-Paw – this tropical fruit contains vitamin C which helps fights colds and boosts the immune system, and protein that keeps your skin smooth and soft.

- Spinach – This very nourishing leaf is packed with vitamins A, C, K and folate they boost the production of brain chemicals that affect your mood.
Go ahead add these power foods to your meal plan this week!
I promise you’ll love it!
Courtesy: Taje of