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Whether you fat, curvy, plus-size, slim, thin, lanky, petite, muscular, boyish, name it.  It’s important to know that size is not a factor and that you can look stylish and beautiful at any size.
This blog, like many other plus size blogs try to encourage and inspire plus size ladies to love yourself regardless of your size. To be happy the way you are. To appreciate the beauty of the majority you represent and to dress appropriate despite the size factor. To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You only need to accept yourself. Once you have accepted your flaws, no one will use it against you.
Scott Barnes once said that "Finding your beauty isn't about looking exactly like everyone else. It's about accepting yourself—the parts you love and the parts you don't—and then working with all of it."
“Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside” Coco Chanel
“Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful” Sophia Loren
Beauty has no race…it has no gender…it has NO SIZE. Many people are chasing a size. These days, a number on a tag shows us that we “have arrived,” that we are “good enough,” and that we are…”beautiful.”
The fashion industry is selling it with their tall, and often times, unhealthy models, lol. Must we BUY it? NO.
The fitness industry is selling it. Must we BUY it? NO.
And the diet companies are making a killing on it. Must we BUY it? NO, NO. We must not.
We must celebrate our own unique figure and love it. Knowing you are beautiful in your size makes it easier. Confidence is key, if you don’t believe in yourself, no one will.
The two gorgeous women Dionne from supersize my fashion and Suzanne from Fashion is a party are beautiful fashion bloggers. Dionne is a plus size blogger and Suzanne is a size 6 blogger. These shots taken for Grazia magazine Show that style has no size. Both are wearing the same outfits in their own size! These are very beautiful shot showing how we can look great individually by appreciating our differences. Size is just a number, the real you is in how best you strive to stand out in the crowd.






Written by Jennifer Ogoo Okolo


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