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Tajé’s Exercise & Fitness Tips – Gluteus Maximus 101: Squats & Lunges

Due to popular demand and several request, today I’m ‘giving the people what they want’ and that is how to get a nice, firm booty!

Squats and lunges are basic but essential exercises for tightening up the gluteal muscles and keeping your bottom in shape. Making sure you do them properly is important to get the results you want and avoiding injury.


Stand with your feet facing forward; shoulder width apart.

Taje squat front

Lower your back as though you are sitting in an imaginary chair.

Taje Squat 2

You can extend you hands forwards for better balance.

Taje squat 1

Let your back arch slightly as you descend with your weight pressing into your heels, make it as close to a 90 degree angle as you can.
Make sure your knees do not extend over your toes as this could damage your knees.
Do 30 – 50 reps of this according to your strength. The stronger you get the more you can do!

Sumo Squats

Stand with your feet  4-6 inches wider than your shoulders, with your toes pointed out at a 45 degree angle.

Grasp your weight ball or heavy object with both hands in the center of your body.
While keeping your back straight, descend slowly by bending at the knees into a 90 degree angle.

Taje Sumo Squat 2
Repeat this upward and downward motion for 30 -50 reps.


Step forward with one leg and lower your body to 90 degrees at both knees.

Taje lunge 1

Don’t step out too far, there should be about 2-2.5 ft between your feet at this point.
Taje lunge 2

Keep your weight on your heels and don’t allow your knees to extend beyond your toes.

Taje lunge 3

Repeat on one leg for 25 reps and repeat same on the second leg.

Go ahead and try it, I dare you not to get results!

I promise you’ll love it.


Courtesy of Stylevitae

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