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What is this Thing Called “BODY IMAGE”?

Body image is a combination of:
  • how you see yourself when you look in a mirror or catch a glimpse of your reflection in a window
  • what you believe and tell yourself about what you see
  • how you feel about what you see
  • and how you behave toward your body as a result of what you see, feel and think.
Body image is not necessarily about your size or about eating issues. There are thin people who see themselves as fat, and there are people who are considered beautiful by most, but who think they are ugly and experience daily struggles with body image, and the shame, guilt and embarrassment that accompanies negative body image.
You don’t have to have a weight or eating problem to struggle with body image.
What are Symptoms Of Negative Body Image?
  • You see yourself as ugly and disgusting
  • You see a distorted image of yourself
  • You see your body size or shape as a symbol of your personal failings
  • You constantly compare yourself to others
  • You are embarrassed by your body
  • You are ashamed of your body
  • You hate yourself because of the way your body looks
What is Positive Body Image?
  • You see your body and its parts as they really are
  • You appreciate your body
  • You understand that your value as a person is not tied to your appearance
  • You feel comfortable in your body as you move through the day
  • You treat your body well
  • When you love your body you take care of it.
  • When you hate your body you do your best to destroy it.
Self Acceptance and Self Care
Your body size is a reflection of not only your eating habits and exercise habits but also your genetics, hormonal balance, environment, sleep habits and stress levels. Although this combination affects each of us differently, when we understand the interaction it is easier to work with our bodies rather than against them.
You deserve to be fit and healthy no matter what your weight, size, or shape but you have to care about yourself to give yourself the highest level of fitness and health your body can achieve.
At any weight, accepting your body as it is, and treating your body well are not mutually exclusive. Self acceptance does not mean that it’s okay to do nothing. Self acceptance means you care for yourself and strive to be what is optimum for you, regardless of genetics or societal ideals.
Whatever your size, your body will respond to being treated well. Remember we take care of the things we love.
Are you waiting to live your life?
Have you ever thought if only you were thinner, you would go on a cruise, take a class, ride your bike, or visit New York. If only you were thin your life would be perfect.
What is on your “if only” list? (Feel free to share yours in the comments below…feels good to shine some light on them!)
Postponing life until you reach a magic number on the scale is not going to work. You deserve a rich and full life, complete with friends, fulfillment, and most of all self-respect.
To eat whatever your body is hungry for, to move when your body needs movement, to give your body the opportunity to find its natural weight – you deserve all of this.
You deserve to stop hating your body.
Self-Compassion, Self-Care and Loving Yourself
Since body image is a combination of how you think, feel, and act toward your body, changing one of these factors will affect the others.
For instance, if you start to treat your body well you will start to think and feel more positively about your body, and if you start to think and feel more positively you will treat your body well.
Begin by noticing when you have negative thoughts about your body. Pay attention to what you’re saying to yourself and notice how often these negative thoughts occur and under what circumstances. No need to judge yourself or the thoughts –just notice.
Maybe there is a pattern or a specific reason that the thoughts occur.
Practice noticing the thoughts and questioning the negative thoughts –everything we think is not necessarily true.
Compassionate Self Care Practice (and it does take practice!)
  • Self care means being gentle and kind to yourself. Treat yourself the way you would treat a friend.
  • Would you ever berate a friend by saying the mean things you hurl at yourself when you were looking in the mirror?
  • Think about that the next time you find yourself belittling your body. Be kind to it. It is the only one you get!
  • Having a positive body image isn’t about changing your body, although change may occur.
  • Remember you can feel beautiful, sexy, and attractive at any size, shape or weight.
  • When you think it you feel it and when you feel it you act it.
  • It works the other way around as well. When you act it you begin to think and feel it.
The simple act of bringing your awareness to your thoughts and seeing them as thoughts can begin to bring change in how you see not only your body but your life and the world around you.
Why not give it a try today…

Remember you are worth it!

All opinion and suggestions are Nourishingbyheart
Images are Bodyandsoul's


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