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Plus-Size Fashion and Style Survey. Let your voice be heard today!

The Plus Size Fashion and Style Survey

Bella Curves is announcing a new survey all about your views on fashion, clothing, styles and designers.  

Our aim is to gain a deeper knowledge of the attitudes and behavior of Nigeria's plus-size community, and to measure its degree of change over time. This is to help create the next plus size fashion experience just by sharing your opinion!

Let your voice be heard today! 

Follow this link and take the survey HERE

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  1. Oya to all the curvy girls get in here. Bella has something for you


We love to hear from our readers. Let us know what you think!

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Bella Curves.

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Twitter: @Bellacurvesng
Instagram: @Bellacurvesng

For Suggestions, Contributions and Inquiries

Stop HERE and take the SURVEY

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