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NdaniTV launch #RealTalk with Cornelia O'Dwyer

Hello Lovvies, 

Actually this talk show was launched a few weeks ago, my bad to be writing about it now. I stumbled on it yesterday on youtube and I was amazed by Cornelia O’Dwyer, the host of #RealTalk. I usually have this striking attraction to Beauty, Curves and Brains. Brains most importantly. 

Cornelia O’Dwyer is the popular Smooth FM On-Air Personality. She holds a B.A in Film, Cultural & Media Studies, University of West England, Bristol.

Watch the Trailer

The exciting thing about #RealTalk is that its a show where young, charismatic personalities from both genders give their opinions on everyday life issues.The conversations are pure, honest and youthful, addressing the everyday lives of Africans living within and outside the Continent. The show is a must-watch..

Will be updating you on the episode..

Have a Fabulous Friday...

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  1. I'm always attracted to brains, beauty comes afterwards. I will check out the show on You tube. She looks stunning and great post here. Have a lovely weekend dear.

  2. I started watching from the first episode immediately it was launched.She's very beautiful,confident and also a great host.


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