44-year-old actress Queen Latifah walks the red carpet looking glamorous at the 2014 Hollywood Film Awards held on Friday November 14 at the Palladium in Hollywood. The actress was wearing a dress designed by Badgley Mischka.
She also hosted the show, which was the first time that the awards show is being aired on television.
Queen told Entertainment Weekly, “I don’t think there’s added pressure for me. It’s really just time to bring it to television, bring it to the public, bring it to the people. CBS is the peoples’ network. I’m just happy to be a part of it, happy to be the one to kick it off and let the world know. Really, bringing these films to the attention of the public. A lot of them are kind of new, and some of us have seen them, but the public hasn’t. You’ll see where the tide goes tonight and what stuff you need to be checking out.”What's your thought on her dress?
Photos: justjared.com
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