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How to Look Fabulous While Being Plus-Sized

You don't have to look dumpy just because you're plus-sized! When you're done reading this article, you'll soon feel very happy! 

  • Stay healthy. 
Eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and all of that good stuff, staying away from sweets and salty foods. Exercise at least every other day, even if it's just small things like walking around town. Just because you're plus-sized, doesn't mean you have to be unhealthy!
  • Don't get clothes that are too loose or too tight. 
These can make you look even bigger, and more sloppy. Wear cute clothes in your own style that skim those beautiful curves rather than squeeze or hide them.
  • Remember that dressing is all about illusions. 
Dark colors are slimming, as are bootleg pants, vertical pinstripes (NOT in opposing colours, e.g. white with black stripes), high heels add height and adjust posture to make you look slimmer, but only wear them if you feel comfortable enough.
  • Keep your skin healthy looking: 
 Bad skin just looks bad on people with any figure!
  • Don't be shy! 
If you want to get on the dance floor, then go for it. If you want to have something besides that salad when you're at a restaurant, go for it. Who cares what other people think!
  • Think nice thoughts like: 
 I'm beautiful, no matter what. Don't even think about other people's opinions. Don't focus on not caring. and don't focus on pleasing them.
Good posture makes you look taller. Hold your chin up, shoulders slightly back, back straight (not rigid), even out your pelvic bowl (don't stick your bum out), place your feet slightly apart. Basically, imagine that there is an invisible thread pulling you up straight.
  • Smile! 
Even smaller people look bad if they always look grumpy, sad, angry, etc. Show the world that you are confident and happy. Smiling is contagious too and will make people feel better about themselves.
  • Enjoy the advantages of being plus-sized. 
Turn your extra pounds into advantages. How?
  1. Bigger women often have bigger breasts. Enhance your bust by wearing V-necks and long necklaces that draw attention towards your breasts; don't show too much of your bust, however.
  2. Plus-sized women are more curvy than slim women. Learn how to dress to flatter your curves; not all plus-sized women have an identical body type.


  • People may insult you if you're plus-sized. It's a horrid fact of life. Just like people will insult you if you were thin. Just smile and walk away. It will confuse them!

  • Shoes such as "Pumps" are classically trendy AND slimming.

  • Clothing items in classic black are lifesavers on those days when you just don't feel your best, but you still have to look the part.

  • Maintain a positive outlook. Let others insult you if they wish, but refrain from insulting yourself. You are WAY too cool, nice, beautiful, friendly, smart and interesting to stoop to self-criticism.

  • Be sure to eat healthy, balanced meals to help keep you looking and feeling your best!

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