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Plus-size and pregnant: Top Tips For Eating well

Pregnancy's an important time to focus on eating well. You need to make sure your baby's getting enough nutrients to grow — and that you're getting enough nutritional support to grow a baby!

This isn't the time to diet or cut back on calories. But it's a great time to take a close look at how and what you eat and to figure out what's best for you and your baby. It's useful to keep in mind how much weight you should gain during pregnancy as you make healthy food choices.

Top tips for eating well

1. Eat a good breakfast. Here's where you set the stage for your day. A breakfast with protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber will make you feel better the rest of the day.

2. Eat small meals with snacks in between, rather than three bigger meals.

3. Include protein in every meal and snack, and avoid foods with refined sugar or processed white flour. This helps your blood sugar levels stabilize and keeps hunger at bay.

4. Work fruits and veggies into your meals in creative ways: Toss assorted chopped vegetables into your breakfast eggs, or sprinkle shredded zucchini or carrots into low-fat quick breads. Apple and cucumber slices make great additions to sandwiches. Add apple chunks, dried cranberries or currants, or chopped dried apricots to salads.

5. Focus on folate: Most women don't get enough folic acid in their daily diet, so the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force says to take a supplement containing 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid every day. Plus-size women may need more folic acid than smaller women and women at risk of giving birth to a child with a neural tube defect may also need to take a higher dose. But don't take more than what's recommended without checking with your doctor first.

6. Choose unsaturated good fats (olive, canola, peanut oils) over saturated and hydrogenated bad fats (animal fats, palm oil, margarine).

7. Use pregnancy food diary to keep track of your food and nutrient intake so you can make sure you're getting enough good stuff. It's also useful for tracking your mood and hunger levels so you can spot patterns you may need to change.


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  1. Nice blog!

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      - Ám Ảnh Kiếm.dongtam
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      trung tâm ngoại ngữ

      Ba đạo kim sắc lưu quang trong tay Nhạc Thành lúc này bắn nhanh ra, đồng thời tam đầu cự thú ở trong kiếm quang trào ra, xé rách không gian trực tiếp ầm ầm lao đến.

      Tam điều cự thú bốc lên, kiếm tường tê nứt ra rồi đổ xụp, đồng thời ba đạo kim sắc lưu quang bạo lược mà lên, trực tiếp xuyên thấu không gian đánh về phía tên Thiên tiên này.

      - Sưu sưu.

      Áo trắng đạo nhân vừa thấy không ổn, nhất thời sắc mặt trầm xuống, đánh ra một cái quang


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